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Aerosols can be very dangerous and in extreme cases can cause fires. Within the fire triangle, they are a part of the “Fuel” section, because most aerosols contain a propellant, usually butane or propane and are very flammable. 

The propellant, along with the actual product needed by the aerosol are inserted into the can under very high pressure, which in turn puts the gases inside at very high pressure. Due to this pressure, if ignited they can explode and create immense fireballs, many metres in width. Not only does this create a massive fire risk in itself, but it also makes it unsafe for firefighters to enter buildings where copious amounts of aerosols are present, due to the explosion risk. Due to aerosols being a high-risk product, all staff working with or near them must have adequate training to ensure the proper storage and handling, thereby reducing the risk of fires. 

Damaged and leaking aerosol cans must be removed immediately to a safe, secure, well-ventilated place, where they can be dealt with in the proper manner. Power vehicles must not be used to move damaged aerosols due to the higher fire risk of explosion. The only exception to this is if the vehicle has been adapted to work in highly flammable environments. Arrangements must be made prior to transport at licensed waste-disposal facilities. 

No matter what business you are involved in, if aerosols are present you must take the utmost care and caution.