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Welcome to the Fire Extinguisher Online Training Course
Course Overview
This course by ProTrainings covers the safe use of fire extinguishers and understanding different types:
- Video-Based Learning: Watch instructional videos and answer knowledge review questions.
- Flexible Learning: Start and stop the course at your convenience, resume where you left off.
- Accessible on Any Device: Begin on your computer and continue on your smartphone or tablet.
- Comprehensive Support: Text support on each page, with subtitles and additional help available.
Key Features of the Course
- Customisable Subtitles: Adjust subtitle size and colour for better readability.
- Interactive Learning: Use smaller video player options to read and watch simultaneously.
- Completion Certificate: Upon passing the test, print your certificate and other downloads.
- Continuous Updates: Access updated materials and resources regularly from the course home page.
- Extended Access: Course access for 8 months, even after completing the test.
- Support and Resources: Utilise company dashboards and ongoing email updates for continued learning.
Experience comprehensive support and flexibility in your fire extinguisher training. Stay informed with our updates and resources to enhance your skills. Start your course today and enhance workplace safety with ProTrainings.
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