Fire Hoses

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1 min 20 sec
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Fire hoses are not found in all buildings, but where they are additional training must be given. They tend to be in larger-scale buildings such as office blocks, hotels and factories and they are primarily used for putting out Class A fires, those where freely-burning materials such as wood, paper or coal have taken hold. Although when used properly they are extremely effective, there are drawbacks to fire hoses. 

First of all, they are quite complex to use, meaning much more extensive training is required and as well as this they are very bulky and very heavy – especially when full of water. They also only have a limited length, meaning often they cannot reach faraway places. Another drawback is that if you have to go through a fire door to get to the fire, the hose will have to prop the door open, putting either side of the door at risk of the fire. A hose either contains foam or water and can provide an effective way of tackling a fire. Remember though that any sort of firefighting is high risk, so do not attempt this if you don’t have the correct training or equipment, or if you have any doubt about your own safety, or the safety of others. If in doubt, get out!