Foam Extinguishers
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How to Use a Foam Extinguisher
Preparation and Safety Checks
Before using a foam extinguisher, ensure it is prepared for use:
- Check the Tag and Pin: Verify they are intact.
- Positioning: Orient the extinguisher towards the fire.
Using the Foam Extinguisher
Follow these steps to use a foam extinguisher effectively:
- Pull out the tag to break the seal.
- Remove the safety pin to activate the extinguisher.
- Aim the nozzle towards the base of the fire.
- Squeeze the handle to discharge the foam.
- Apply the foam to cover the burning area.
- Continue until the fire is extinguished.
Keep in mind that foam extinguishers are particularly effective on fires involving flammable liquids.
When using a foam extinguisher:
- Proximity: You may need to approach closer compared to using a water extinguisher.
- Effectiveness: Foam smothers the fire by covering and cooling the burning material.
Always ensure your safety and follow proper procedures when handling fires.
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